Sunday, March 4, 2018

"Interactive Drawings" - 8th grade

This is a fun drawing activity that I did with my 8th grade students.  This is great for a one day activity.
So I've seen drawings like this on Pinterest and decided to give it a go.  It's fun!  I asked the kids to choose at least one object and draw an image that includes the object as part of the overall image.
For grading purposes, I set up my Ipad on a stand and made a small photo "center". When they finished they took their work to that area, set up their drawing and object, and took a photo!  Easy peasy!

I added on to this lesson by also having them choose another object, but this time draw the object - but transform it.  For example, a cellphone could become a skating rink....a pair of scissors becomes a creature...etc.  Basically like the first one, but more drawing involved.  This is a follow up of our introduction to Still Life drawing.

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